Tuesday, November 13, 2007

November 13, 2007

Last night's dream...I was walking the cats, Rumi and Tilc, on little leashes. Rumi kept turning to Tilc and saying, "Let's do the monkey walk...like on the Monkee's show...come on!" and Tilc would look away from her as if to say, "Dream on Sister...this boy don't do no monkey..." This went on for several minutes Rumi getting more insistent and Tilc ignoring her. It was sunset and the sky in Arizona was pink and blue and grey and just lovely. I saw something glittering in the road ahead and stopped to pick it up. It was a key. There was tape on the key and some words I couldn't make out. Then suddenly it was dark and the sky was filled to bursting with stars. Rumi and Tilc had vanished. I stood alone on the road. The wind picked up and I shivered. "Time to head for home." I thought and turned around to head back but suddenly realized I had no idea where I was. "I'm up high..." I thought, "I need to walk down..." and headed down the street towards a street light that seemed miles away. I began to hum the tune from THE SOUND OF MUSIC...the CLIMB EVERY MOUNTAIN song. then I suddenly burst out the words and as I looked down I saw that I was in nun attire. I looked around expecting to see Julie Andrews or the kids or someone from the movie but I was alone in the world. I realized that from my belt hung a magnifying glass and that I still had the key clutched in my hand. I held up the key and the magnifying glass and tried to make out the words but it was too dark. Suddenly there was a falling star and I quickly held up the key and the glass and read, "Key to your future...don't lose it." Then a big black bird swooped down and knocked the key from my hand...it rolled and clinked end over end and fell down a metal covered drain where I heard it bounce and knock against the sides of the drain until it landed with a gently "clink" a long ways away. The bird swooped back down and landed a few feet away from me. "Don't worry" she said, "There's always a plan B."

1 comment:

Coach Margie Scott said...

Wow! some dream! How nice to know there is always a plan B, and that there is a wise, magical being -in this case a bird-looking over our shoulders to remind us not to get so twisted up with our original idea of how it should all go. Great dream Elliot!
