Friday, December 28, 2007

December 28, 2007

Last night's dream...I dreamt that I was walking with Rosebud (my new Cornish Rex cat) down the street. She was on a little red leash that was just a piece of string and as I looked down at it I realized that it was the same string that my friend, Tom, had sent me year's ago with a little note that said, "Blessed by the Dalai Lama!" I began to wonder if that was in any way sacrilege but as I was in the middle of that thought I was distracted by a shop display of cheese. I looked up at the sign above the shop, it said, "HOUSE OF CHEESE" and then I looked at the display again. These huge wheels of blue veined cheese were flung around the window with what appeared to be millions of wedges littered amonst them. I thought that was the entire display until the elves started to appear and get to work. At the far left of the display window there was a little tunnel of cheese. Through the tunnel elves skipped in with pick axes and shovels and little wagons. They all had on striped stockings. Red and white or green and white or black and white. They all had on Lederhosen of green leather. And they all had on these funny little caps. They went to work on the cheese. The pick axe elves would hack off a chunk of Gouda and throw it over their shoulders and then the wagon elves would make a big show of picking up the chunk and loading it into the wagon then, when the wagon was full, they'd push the wagon back out the little tunnel. They'd be gone only an instant and then they'd return with their wagons empty and skip back over to where the shovelers and pick axers were working and do it all over again. I was mesmerized and so was my cat. As we stood watching I became aware of something reflection in the store window. I had on striped stockings, green Lederhosen, and a perky little cap. I thought, "ut oh..." and I looked down at Rosebud...she also had on green Lederhosen and a cap set at a jaunty angle. She didn't have on the stockings but it still made me nervous. She mewed at me. I said, "Come on, lets get going..." and we both started skipping down the street.

1 comment:

lklight said...

Aahhh, so you're really a cheese elf in disguise!
What wonderful art can come from all of this!