Monday, November 2, 2009

Last night's dream 11/02/09

Last night I once again dreamt I was making spaghetti. The pot was the size of a Volkswagen. It was over a big bonfire out in a parking lot. I had to climb up on a rickety old wooden ladder to get to the pot. First I filled it with water from a hose. I had to chase a couple of ducks off the water when they mistook it for a small pond. The water heated pretty quickly. I was pleasantly surprised by this and even remember thinking, "Well...that's a pleasant surprise! Must have been the salt." See I had been told by my Mom that salt will bring water to a boil more quickly than unsalted water. So I had thrown in a 5 lb. bag of salt when the pot was filling. Next I had to get the spaghetti in there. Now it was regular size so this was going to be the really hard part. How to get the spaghetti in there all at once so that it finished cooking at the same time. While the water was getting ready to boil I was frantically opening package after package of spaghetti. I asked Rosebud and Nigel to help but they just walked past me and Rosebud said, "I'm taking Nigel to the Ferris know we like to be up high." So I let them go realizing, "Oh, I'm cooking spaghetti for the folks at the Fair. Good enough!" Anyway, I'm opening all these packages of spaghetti and I'm putting the spaghetti on a sheet. I've got a big dumpster near me and I'm hefting the empty
packages into the dumpster and...I'm whistling. I'm whistling "In-A-Gada-da-vida", I'm doing a pretty righteous job of it, too! The sheet gets stacked higher and higher with this uncooked spaghetti and then I hear the water start to boil. I jump up on the rickety ladder and check and sure enough, these huge bubbles are coming to the surface and going "POP!". It was cool! I hurriedly climb back down the ladder and start to gather the four corners of the sheet together. I get it all together and man, that thing is packed with uncooked spaghetti! Then I climb up the ladder and heft the whole thing into the boiling pot of water. I only meant to throw in the pasta but the sheet got stuck and one thing led to another and it ended up in there too and what was I to do? So I got an oar and started stirring the spaghetti and I was able to fish out the sheet and it was all sticky with whatever it is that makes cooked pasta kind of slithery. I put the sheet off to the side and wipe my hands off on my apron and I look around but there's no clock and no timer and so I start counting thinking, "Well, that's okay, I can count for three dente." So I'm counting away and the ducks try to come back and I have to fend them off with the oar and I lose count. Then I'm really mad. So I grab an oarful of the spaghetti and I throw it against an old barn and it sticks and I laugh and yell, "It's ready!"

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